Safety & Security

Student ID Card

If you have been issued a Student ID card, please wear it at all times while on college premises.

Emergency Procedures

Please check the emergency procedures for your study area; if you need any help, please ask your Personal Tutor.

If you discover a fire:

• Raise the alarm

• Do not attempt to tackle the fire

• Evacuate the building and report to the nearest assembly point

When you hear the alarm:

• Leave the building immediately by the nearest emergency exit.

• Do not use any lifts, do not stop to collect personal belongings.

• If possible, close all doors and windows when leaving.

• Report to the nearest Fire Assembly point and wait for further instructions.

• Do not re-enter the building until you hear that the ALL CLEAR has been declared.

NB: Students with mobility restrictions must ensure they have their personal evacuation plan developed for them. This is arranged via the Health and Safety Department – ask your Personal Tutor for help in obtaining this.

First Aid

If you need First Aid treatment, speak to your Personal Tutor or a member of staff; alternatively, please contact Reception.

Reporting Accidents

Please report any accident or incident to your Personal Tutor or a member of staff.

Personal Protective Equipment

You are to wear personal protective equipment correctly as directed by your Personal Tutor.

Working with Animals

All students within the animal care must adhere to the specific rules and regulations presented during induction week.

Lost Property / Personal Belongings

You are responsible for the security of your own personal belongings. If you lose something, ask at Reception and complete an Incident form. If you find any items of value, hand them to your Personal tutor or in to Reception.

Suspicious Packages

If you see any suspicious packages or circumstances inform the nearest member of staff.

Working with Machinery

Do not use machines or any other work equipment which you have not been trained and authorised to use.


Please note that there is a no-smoking policy on all college sites. Ask at reception for details of designated smoking areas if you wish to smoke on the college site during break times. If you would like some support with giving up smoking, please contact Student Services.

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