Equality & Diversity

What is Equality and Diversity?

Equality and Diversity is all the various ways in which we work to make Coleg Cambria an inclusive space for all. Equality and Diversity is about making sure that everyone feels as though they are an equal part of our Cambria community.

We must make sure that we are creating an equal space for everyone, not just by treating everyone the same, but rather by giving all people what they specifically need to thrive.

Who is Equality and Diversity for?

As members of the Coleg Cambria community we are all responsible for promoting equality, and making our college an inclusive space for all.

The Equality Act details nine characteristics which are protected. These are:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage or Civil Partnership
  • Pregnancy or Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

Whilst these are legally covered by the Equality Act we acknowledge that there are a range of ways in which we are all different from each other some of which are not included in the act e.g. social class

Key Terms

In talking about equality it is important that we are aware of the correct words and terms used so we can establish a shared language to discuss these matters. Below are a few key terms that will help in understanding and talking about equality issues.

Equality is treating everyone fairly regardless of their identity and who they are. This does not mean treating everyone the same, but rather acknowledging their differences. To be truly equal we must create an equal and level playing field for all through catering to everyone’s ability and needs.

Diversity is recognising, valuing and respecting all forms of difference in people. This includes more visible differences such as race or ethnicity, gender, or age, but also the multitude of non-visible ways we are different from each other through our social background, personality type, beliefs etc.

Inclusion is all of the ways we can embrace the differences of our diversity to create a welcoming, cohesive and collective community where everyone feels valued and respected. A key part of inclusion is recognising and meeting the needs of individuals.

Intersectionality is understanding that many people have multiple identities that intersect with each other such as their race, gender, sexuality etc. Intersectionality is about acknowledging that everyone has their own unique experiences of identity and oppression due to their own identities and being mindful of the different barriers people may face due to their intersecting identities.

Liberation is to free someone or a group of people from oppression, and to fight for equal rights and treatment in wider society. This term is useful for equality and diversity work as it acknowledges the push for freedom from oppression which should go hand-in-hand with making a more equal society.

My Responsibilities
As a student at Coleg Cambria, you are responsible for upholding equality and diversity here at college.

Your code of conduct states that you will:

  • Treat everyone with respect and kindness regardless of their age, disability, class, gender identity, sexuality, race or religion.
  • Understand our diverse community at Coleg Cambria, and that different people have different experiences, views and needs.
  • Not partake in any action that could be seen as discriminatory, and call out others if I witness discriminatory actions.


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