
Here at Cambria, we’re committed to inclusion. We actively promote equality and celebrate diversity.

With our inclusive approach and the support and adjustments we offer, we are able to meet a wide range of needs.

Inclusion support is offered across all five of our campuses. Our approach will be tailored to you and your individual needs.

You can talk to us before your course starts or at any time during your course of study. One of the ways you can talk to us is through

Learning Support (ALN)

Our Inclusion Team is dedicated to assisting students with additional learning needs. We provide support in various areas, including:

  • Informal Screening, Exam Access Arrangements, and Assessment
  • Specialised Teaching Support
  • Assistive Technology
  • And much more!

Specialist ALN tutors are available at all college sites. If you’ve disclosed a difficulty or disability during enrollment, you’ll be contacted directly. If you haven’t but think you might need help, tutors can arrange discreet appointments to accommodate your schedule. For other learning support needs like access, BSL, or personal care, contact; we’re here to assist.

For more information, please visit

Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Coleg Cambria your mental wellbeing is extremely important to us and we aim to actively support individuals and signpost practical advice and support. There are plenty of different types of support out there, and our Student Services team can help you access them.

Our Wellness Hubs, located near Student Services on the Yale Campus, provide physical, emotional, intellectual, and self-care support. They align with our holistic approach to wellbeing, fostering balance in staff and students’ lives.

Active Cambria offers free fitness, wellness, and health activities throughout the year, such as Pilates, Yoga, mindfulness, and more. Find out more about Active Cambria and how you can get involved here

If you have any questions or need support please email

For more information, please visit

Equality & Diversity

Equality and Diversity at Coleg Cambria ensure an inclusive community where everyone feels equally valued and catered to. It’s our collective responsibility to promote equality, not only based on legally protected characteristics like age, disability, or race but also acknowledging various differences such as social class.

As a student, your code of conduct requires treating everyone respectfully, understanding diverse perspectives, and addressing discrimination when witnessed.

For more information, please visit

Equality & Diversity Support

Our Equality and Diversity Coordinator is dedicated to equality & diversity initiatives at the college. Available to assist all students with E&D concerns.

We have various equality student officers working to improve college inclusivity. These roles, currently vacant, will hold elections in October.

Interested in starting an equality-related student group? Reach out to for support on any campus.

To contact our E&D coordinator, express your interest in becoming an equality student officer or to start a group, contact Alice, our E&D coordinator at or call 07704664403.


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