We want you to enjoy your time at college; to be safe, respected by others and to feel valued. Whatever you are doing on and off site, on the bus or at home online, wherever you are, you are a Cambria student and we expect you to behave in a respectful way to others and the college.
Code of Conduct
As a Cambria student I will be:
Polite and caring – This means I will:
- Celebrate that people are different and may have different ways of looking at things
- Always be polite and friendly to other students, staff and visitors
- Consider what others may feel about what I say and do.
Respectful – This means I will:
- Respect our college facilities and equipment
- Always use college bins and recycle when I can
- Follow college rules
- Only smoke or vape in college’s designated areas.
Employable – This means I will:
- Attend all lessons and be punctual
- Bring all the equipment and kit needed for learning
- Use polite language (no swearing). This includes on social media networks
- Dress appropriate for my course and for learning.
Safety aware – This means I will:
- Follow any rules about how to behave in classes and workshops
- Switch off my mobile phone (unless otherwise instructed)
- Not eat or drink (except water, where allowed) in any classrooms and workshops.
Eager to learn – This means I will:
- Work hard to the best of my ability
- Have a motivated and positive attitude
- Hand work in on time and follow the strict rules of plagiarism (not copying the work of others).
Taking every opportunity – This means I will:
- Strive to be the best
- Never settle for ‘good enough’
- Believe and have confidence in myself
- Ask for help when I need it.
Equal and inclusive – This means I will:
- Treat everyone with respect and kindness regardless of their age, disability, class, gender identity, sexuality, race or religion
- Understand our diverse community at Coleg Cambria, and that different people have different experiences, views and needs
- Not partake in any action that could be seen as discriminatory, and call out others if I witness discriminatory actions.
I understand that breaking the following rules will result in swift disciplinary action which may mean that I am asked to leave College:
- Do not bring alcohol or illegal substances into college, or be under the influence of these while in college or taking part in external activities
- Do not bring knives, unless required as part of essential equipment for your course, or anything which could be used as an offensive weapon into college or on college transport
- Do not fight, be aggressive, bully, harass, threaten or intimidate others in any way. This includes the use of social networking sites, emails, texts and phone calls.