Category Archives: Wellbeing Blog

Nurturing Your Wellbeing

As a college student, you may often find yourself juggling numerous responsibilities, including coursework, exams, social engagements, and personal commitments. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s crucial to prioritise your wellbeing. By taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health, you can enhance your overall college experience. Here are some valuable tips to help you nurture your wellbeing while studying at the College. Prioritise Self-Care: You may often find that making self-care a non-negotiable ...

Stress Awareness

Stress is a natural response to pressure or threat: it is the fight or flight response that prepares the body to flee danger. Think of the situations that cause you stress day-to-day: an unexpected phone call, an upcoming presentation, maybe even worries about the future. Any day-to-day occurrence that puts the body and/or mind in to stress response can cause the same physical sensations as the primal fight or flight response. Stress looks different for ...

Sleeping Well

Healthy sleep is really important for our mental and physical wellbeing. Lots of people struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep, which can ultimately lead to sleep deprivation, but can also cause mental and physical problems during the day. There are plenty of ways you could improve your sleep quality. First, start by trying to identify what causes poor sleep, then consider how you can minimise these factors. ‘Sleep hygiene’ is the way that we ...