Equality & Diversity Support

Get Support and Get Involved!

Our Equality and Diversity Coordinator, Alice Churm, is responsible for coordinating E&D activities at the college, and supporting all with E&D concerns. She is available to all staff and students to offer support and help with anything related to equality and diversity. If you would like any advice, guidance or support on anything related to E&D (or just fancy a chat) please contact Alice at equalityanddiversity@cambria.ac.uk or call 07704664403.

You can usually find her in either the Deeside or Yale Inclusion Zones, however she visits all sites, so pop an email if you want to meet face to face!

Student Officers

We have a range of equality student officers who are responsible for campaigning on improving the college for their group and community. These officers will listen to your issues and feed these back to the college so we can make our college as inclusive as possible for everyone. The Equality Student Officer roles we have are:

  • Mature Students Officer
  • Disability Officer
  • Ethnic Minority Officer
  • Womens’ Officer
  • LGBTQ+ Officer
  • Trans Officer
  • Equality Officer (Llysfasi)
  • Equality Officer (Northop)
  • Equality Officer (Yale)
  • Equality Officer (Deeside)
  • Equality Officer (Deeside 6th)
  • Equality Officer (Bersham)

All of these roles are currently vacant, and we will be running elections for these positions in October! If you are interested in any of these roles please email equalityanddiversity@cambria.ac.uk to register your interest and receive more information.

If you would like to set up a new student group for anything related to equality on any site, please email equalityanddiversity@cambria.ac.uk to get support with this!


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